Importance Of Art

Ino Chang
3 min readJul 27, 2021


The term “art” refers to a wide range of works, from paintings to sculptures, architecture to design, and, more recently, digital art online. Everyone can appreciate and marvel at art, and because art is subjective, different forms of art appeal to different people. Art appreciation, on the other hand, refers to the exploration and analysis of the various art forms to which we are exposed. It can be highly subjective, based on an individual’s personal tastes and preferences, or it can be done on the basis of several criteria, such as design elements and mastery displayed in the piece.

Appreciation Of Art

For a variety of reasons, art appreciation is extremely important. It is an excellent way to learn about the work’s history and the era in which it was created. Artists’ work frequently reflects both their personal problems and societal issues. We can better understand how society functioned back then and now by analysing and putting ourselves in the shoes of the artist. We can empathise with and relate to their problems on a personal level.

Art In Culture And Politics

Art is very important in society because it is an essential component in empowering people’s hearts. When activists use images of children suffering from poverty or oppression in their campaigns, they are using art to tug at the heartstrings of society’s elite and powerful in order to effect change.

Similarly, when photographers publish photos of war-torn areas, it captures the attention of a large number of people, whose hearts reach out to those in need. When a great artist creates great music or films, it entertains people all over the world. This is art that is making a difference in the world. Street art is a very modern example of art in action. When the famous Italian street artist Blu created the mural in Kreuzberg, it elicited a wide range of strong reactions that were deeply rooted in the divisions between East and West Berlin.

Art In Death And The Afterlife

The concept of death can be given meaning through art. Egyptians mummified people and buried them in magnificent tombs with murals and animal art, whereas modern humans bury loved ones in the ground (or in mausoleums) and decorate their final resting place with plaques, memorials, paintings, art and flowers. El Dia de los Muertos commemorates loved ones who have died and remembers them through visitations, offerings, and the belief that their souls remain close by. These cultural practises, when combined with our scientific understanding, enable us to process life and death in a more holistic manner.

Art Moves People

Art is significant because it has the ability to move individuals and, in some cases, entire nations. Consider films or songs that have gone viral around the world, raising awareness or inspiring others to do great things, or The Mona Lisa, which elicits emotions in both artists and scientists. Without the songs you listen to while exercising or working, or the motivational art pieces and landscape art that surround you, you may not be able to complete whatever task you are working on. That’s some potent stuff. Considering it’s just lines on a board and you can’t work without it!?! However, we’ve all been there.

Bottom Line

Art and its definition will always be debatable. There will always be disagreements about what constitutes art and what does not. But, whatever the definition, it has been with us for as long as humans have existed (i.e. cave paintings, hieroglyphics, human figure drawing). Whether we are aware of it or not, we allow art to influence our lives in some way, and there are numerous reasons why we create art! The arts are used for entertainment, cultural appreciation, aesthetics, personal development, and even social change. In order to thrive in this world, we use the arts.

